TLDR An "interceptor" is a pattern which enables different operations to act in sequence on the same object.
There are senarios when we need to run multiple process in series on an object and either make a decision or transform the object. In these senarios, the processes may also need to be stateful.
An example of this senario is when handling requests in a webserver: we may want to perform authentication, request-throttling and authorization in that order for all requests.
The core idea is to have a sequence of processes. Each process is defined in a class, allowing state to be kept per-process. There is also a class which orchestrates the processes and handles errors/early returns from the sequence.
Key characteristics
- There is a common interceptor interface which new interceptor classes must implement.
- There is an orchestrator class which contains the sequence of interceptors and which invokes them in sequence.
- There are a common set of responses that interceptors can return to allow the sequence to continue or which trigger an early return from the orchetrator.
An interceptor chain which processes a web request.
// Note: several class definitions have been left out for brevity
* Usage
// 1. define interceptors
const interceptors = [
new LoggingInterceptor(),
new GlobalThrottlingInterceptor({
throttlingPeriodInMillis: 1000
throttlingRequestLimit: 5
// 2. initialize the orchestrator
const orchestrator = new InterceptorOrchestrator({interceptors})
// 3. proccess requests Request())
* Definitions
class InterceptorOrchestrator {
private interceptors: Interceptor[];
constructor({ interceptors }: { interceptors: Interceptor[] }) {
this.interceptors = interceptors
run(request: Request): AppResponse {
for(let interceptor in interceptors) {
try {
const interceptorResponse =;
// early return
if(!interceptorResponse.success) {
return interceptorResponse;
} catch(e) {
Logger.error(`Internal error when processing request. | Request: ${request} | Error: ${e}`)
return new InternalErrorResponse();
interface Interceptor {
run: (request: Request) => AppResponse
// Debug-logs the request
class LoggingInterceptor {
run(request: Request) {
return new SuccessResponse();
// Keeps track of all requests in a time period
// and triggers early return if the request count is too high.
class GlobalThrottlingInterceptor {
const requestCount = 0;
const throttlingRequestLimit;
constructor({throttlingRequestLimit, throttlingPeriodInMillis}: AppConfig) {
this.throttlingRequestLimit = throttlingRequestLimit
setTimeout(() => {
this.requestCount = 0;
}, throttlingPeriodInMillis)
run(request: Request) {
if(requestCount > throttlingRequestLimit) {
return new ThrottledResponse();
return new SuccessResponse();