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Financial thoughts

The author is not a financial advisor/consultant/professional.

These are my notes, kept for my reference and use. They are in no way to be considered advice, educational, or prescriptive.

Please do your own independent research and consult a financial advisor if you require financial advice.


  • Every investment is a gamble.
  • Low risk: I'm likely to win a little.
  • Compound interest is the most powerful force over my lifetime of investment.
  • Middle men eat the core profit that drives compound interest. Try avoid them.
  • If there was a formula we could all apply, everyone would be doing it. I have to understand what works for me in my own context.
  • Any investment that significantly outperforms the status quo will by definition become too expensive to invest in over time. For example buying real estate in my generation: it was a good investment for our grandparents, it gained value overtime. It's now valuable enough that it's too expensive for a similar class of people to invest in the same way today.
  • I can't learn without trying.
  • It is possible to lose all my investments even if I'm careful. Keep that at the back of my mind, and prepare a bit for this outcome.
  • The consequences of my investments will be owned by someone else when I die. Probably a good idea to have a plan that helps those I love.

Real estate

  • The house I'm living in is not an asset.
  • Houses I own, and are not yet fully paid are not assets.
  • Rental income for houses that are not yet fully paid is not profit. It is a reduction on my mortgage payments.
  • Rental income for houses that are fully paid is not necessarily profit. It is first a cover for maintenance.
  • Better to buy than to rent (for the same property) in the long term.
  • Better not to buy than to buy in the wrong location at the wrong time.
  • How I resolve the tension for the above 2 points is where my personal decision matters.
  • Rentals are not passive income; I get out what I put in. Requires local knowledge, continuous attention, maintenance and re-investment.
  • Everyone else cares less about my property than I do.
  • Respect anything that deals with water. Insist on the highest standards for plumbing/drainage/moisture. If I don't, it will f**k me.