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Systems often need to change the way they perform their core processes as the context of the app changes e.g. reducing resource usage when battery is low, or changing how elements are rendered depending on whether the application is currently focussed.


We define an interface for the functionality that needs to be interchanged. We then create a new class for each implementation we need.

During runtime, based on application context, we can then determine which implementation to use e.g. using a factory and we set the appropriate implementation for the application to use.

Key characteristics

  • Functionality is extracted into its own interface. This functionality is then re-injected into the places which need to use it.
  • There are multiple implementations of this functionality which


  • This pattern is one way to compose functionality into classes and can be used as a way to favour composition over inheritence.
  • A side-effect of this pattern is that the extracted functionality can then be re-used elsewhere.


Plant watering functionality has been extracted into several strategies that are used an automated sprinkler system.

// Note: some constant definitions have been left out for brevity

 * Usage

// start the system in winter
const sprinklerSystem = new SprinklerSystem(new WinterWateringStrategy())

// change the strategy in spring
sprinklerSystem.setWateringStrategy(new SpringWateringStrategy())

 * Definitions
class SprinklerSystem {
  const wateringStrategy;
  const lastWatered = new Date();

  constructor(wateringStrategy: WateringStrategy) {
    this.wateringStrategy = wateringStrategy;

    // start process that checks whether to water every hour
    setTimeout(() => {
      const currentDate = Date.now();
      const amountToWater = this.wateringStrategy.getAmountToWaterInMillliters({

      if(amountToWater > 0) {
        lastWatered = currentDate

  setWateringStrategy(wateringStrategy: WateringStrategy) {
    this.wateringStrategy = wateringStrategy;

  private startSprinklerCycle(amountToWater: number) {
    // send instructions to physical sprinkler

interface WateringStrategy {
  getAmountToWaterInMillliters: ({currentDate, lastWatered}: {currentDate: Date, lastWatered: Date}) => number

// water a lot every week
class WinterWateringStrategy implements WateringStrategy {
  getAmountToWaterInMillliters: ({currentDate, lastWatered}) => {
    const millisSinceLastWatered = currentDate - lastWatered;
    const shouldWater =  millisSinceLastWatered > ONE_WEEK_IN_MILLIS;
    return shouldWater ? 15 : 0;

// water a little every day
class SpringWateringStrategy implements WateringStrategy {
  getAmountToWaterInMillliters: ({currentDate, lastWatered}) => {
    const millisSinceLastWatered = currentDate - lastWatered;
    const shouldWater = millisSinceLastWatered > ONE_DAY_IN_MILLIS;
    return shouldWater ? 3 : 0;